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Imported Facturae document


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The Facturae format allows you to work with public administrations but is also a valid format for working between different companies.

eSign Facturae allows you to import Documents in Facturae format from other companies. From these imported documents, purchase invoices can be generated in the system.




This section details the sections of the imported document. They are similar to the sections that the Facturae document (Facturae document) has but certain sections and fields are added in existing sections.


In the General section are the fields referring to the importe document (Document no. and xml format).


Batch identifier

In the Batch identifier section are the fields referring to the Facturae/FileHader/Batch node in the xml file.



In the Vendor section are the fields referring to the Facturae/Parties/SellerParty node in the xml file.


The SellerParty node contains the invoice sender data while the BuyerParty contains the invoice receiver data. Therefore, when you import an xml file referring to us, the data in the SellerParty node would be our provider's data, while BuyerParty would contain our data.

From this data you can obtain a system provider or register it. Explained in the Vendor invoice section.


Invoices/Credit memos

In the Invoices/Credit memos section are the records for each of the invoices/credit memos included in the xml file.


The Facturae format has the possibility to use the batch mode that allows you to include more than one invoice in the same xml file.


Vendor invoice

Each invoice/credit memo has the vendor data and there is the possibility of obtaining the system vendor. The search for this is done through the fields Vendor id., Vendor email, Corporate vendor name and Vendor name.

In the event that you can't find a vendor, you can select one from the system or execute the action Actions > Create vendor. This action creates a vendor in the system and assigns it to the invoice.


Each invoice/credit memo has informed the data of this in the Header section. The field Invoice no. is used to fill Vendor invoice no. in purchase invoice.


Issue data

Each invoice/credit memo has information about the issue data (date, currency, language, etc.).



Each invoice/credit memo has information about the totals (gross amount, before taxes, totals, etc.).



Each invoice/credit memo has information about whether it is a corrective invoice, in that case, it is a credit memo. In addition, the reason for correction and the correction method are indicated.


Taxes outputs

Each invoice/credit memo has information about the different taxes applied (amount, tax base, etc.).



Each invoice/credit memo has information about the lines (product, amount, etc.).

As in the vendor section, you must indicate a vendor, either by getting it automatically, by selecting it or by creating a new one, the lines require some information.

The following fields must be entered:

  • Purchase line type: This field cab be Account, Item, Resource, Fixed asset or Item charge.
  • Purchase line no.: Depending of the field Purchase line type you can select any system record.
  • Purchase line unit of measure: Indicates the unit of measure.
  • Purchase line currency code: Indicates the curreny.
  • Purchase line VAT bus. posting group: Indicates the vendor VAT bus. posting group.
  • Purchase line VAT prod. posting group: Indicates the item VAT prod. posting group.
  • Purchase line shipment no.: This field is filled in from the purchase shipment if the Delivery note number field is reported. Referring to the _Facturae/Invoices/Invoice/Items/InvoiceLine/DeliveryNotesReferences node in the xml file.
  • Purchase line shipment line no.: This field must be filled in manually to indicate the line it references.
  • Purchase line return shipment no.: This field is filled in from the purchase return shipment if the Delivery note number field is reported. Referring to the _Facturae/Invoices/Invoice/Items/InvoiceLine/DeliveryNotesReferences node in xml file.
  • Purchase line return shipment line no.: This field must be filled in manually to indicate the line it references.


These fields can be filled in automatically when the xml file is imported, if the provider can be obtained, or when the action is executed Actiones > Update lines.


Payment details

Each invoice/credit memo has payment details information (amount, means of payment, etc.).



The actions that can be performed from an imported Facturae document are detailed.

About imported document


Create invoices

This action allows you to create a purchase invoice/credit memo for each existing invoice/credit memo in the imported document.

About each invoice/credit memo


Create vendor

This action allows you to create a vendor from the vendor data that exists in the imported document. It is only allowed to run if there is no specified vendor. When executed, the vendor is assigned to the invoice/credit memo and the Actions > Update lines action is executed to update the fields on the invoice/credit memo lines.

Update lines

This action allows you to update the invoice/credit memo lines by filling in the fields listed in the Lines section.

The data for these lines is obtained from the vendor and the product. The product can be obtained in several ways:

  • Cross references in vendor.
  • Fiels eSign Facturae in vendor.
  • Manually.

Create invoice

This action allows you to create the purchase invoice/credit memo from the existing data. The vendor fields and lines detailed in previous sections must be informed.


After the invoice/purchase credit memo is created, the Related document no. field is filled in and can be accessed from the same field. Similarly, when this invoice/credit memo is posted to the system, the field Related posted document no. is filled with the invoice no.



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