From rol center (Rol center) you can execute the next tasks.
Available from version
Check documents
This task check the status in gateway for Factura documents where the last version is in sent
You can filter the Facturae documents.
The information of queries can be review in the IQ eSign Facturae log (Log).
If you want to check documents on the platforms periodically, you can create a scheduled task for it. Scheduled tasks are created from the standard Job Queue
. A taks of type report
will be created, indicating __INNESGFeCheckDocVersions (7096775)
. In the scheduled task you can apply the necessary filters.
Send documents
This task send the Facturae document to gateway if the las version has in pending
You can filter the Facturae documents.
The information of queries can be review in the IQ eSign Facturae log (Log).
If you want to check documents on the platforms periodically, you can create a scheduled task for it. Scheduled tasks are created from the standard Job Queue
. A taks of type report
will be created, indicating __INNESGFeSendDocVersions (7096776)
. In the scheduled task you can apply the necessary filters.
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