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Tables and subscribers

This section is intended to detail the extensibility of the solution.

The tables and subscribers of the system will be indicated to facilitate the creation of extensions that can be used to adapt the solution to the customer needs.


The system tables that allow the generation of PDF files are described in the following sections.

These tables are filled in from system tables (sales quotes, sales/service invoices/credit memos), and from these tables, the PDF files that will be digitally signed by the solution are generated.


  • Table name: INNESGePReports
  • Caption: eSign ePDF Reports
  • Primary key: INNESGePCode, INNESGePReportId

This table is created from a sales quote or sales/service invoice/credit memo. It can create manually too.

Reports entries

  • Table name: INNESGePReportsEntries
  • Caption: eSign ePDF report entries
  • Primary key: INNESGePEntryNo

This table is created from a report (table Reports).


The subscribers of the system allow to modify the next workflows:

  • Generate report (table Reports)
  • Generate report entry (table Reports entries)
  • Send pdf file by email

All subscribers are in codeunit __INNESGePPublishers.

Table creation

For each of the above tables, a subscriber has been added that allows modifying the value of a record field before being inserted.


INNESGePPublishers.OnBeforeInsertReportFromSalesHeader(Reports: Record INNESGePReports; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")

Is executed before insert into table INNESGePReports when it is created from sales quote.


INNESGePPublishers.OnBeforeInsertReportFromSalesInvHeader(Reports: Record INNESGePReports; SalesInvHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header")

Is executed before insert into table INNESGePReports when it is created from posted sales invoice.


INNESGePPublishers.OnBeforeInsertReportFromSalesCrMemoHeader(Reports: Record INNESGePReports; SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header")

Is executed before insert into table INNESGePReports when it is created from posted sales credit memo.


INNESGePPublishers.OnBeforeInsertReportFromServiceInvHeader(Reports: Record INNESGePReports; ServiceInvHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header")

Is executed before insert into table INNESGePReports when it is created from posted service invoice.


INNESGePPublishers.OnBeforeInsertReportFromServiceCrMemoHeader(Reports: Record INNESGePReports; ServiceCrMemoHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header")

Is executed before insert into table INNESGePReports when it is created from posted service credit memo.


INNESGePPublishers.OnBeforeInsertReportEntries(ReportEntries: Record INNESGePReportsEntries)

Is executed before insert into table INNESGePReportsEntries.

You can obtain the report (table Reports) from primary key of INNESGePReportsEntries.

Send email

There are the next subscribers to send email.


INNESGePPublishers.OnBeforeSendAddSendTo(ReportEntries: Record INNESGePReportsEntries; var SentTo: Text)

Is executed before send the email and asign the field SendTo.

You can obtain the report (table Reports) from primary key of INNESGePReportsEntries.

The field SentTo has the Email from customer but it can be updated. You can separate the email receiver with ;.


INNESGePPublishers.OnBeforeSendAddAttachments(ReportEntries: Record INNESGePReportsEntries; var AttachmentTemp: Record INNESGePAttachmentTemp)

Is executed before send the email and after attach the pdf.

You can obtain the report (table Reports) from primary key of INNESGePReportsEntries.

To attach files you should fill the variable AttachmentTemp from table INNESGePAttachmentTemp. The table has the fields:

  • INNESGePName: Text[100]
  • INNESGePAttachment: Blob


To send attachment you must accomplish the requirements: PDF format in all files and maximim size for all files lower than 20 Mb.


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